Monday, February 14, 2011

Cabinet Festivities

As a new member of the New Norris House this semester, I came into this design studio anxious to get into this design/build project. I have been on the outside looking in for the last semester worth of work, wanting to get involved. So once the semester started, I was ready to get my feet wet in building something. So with that, I started working on fabricating the exterior doors for the house with Jimmy and Matt. That lasted a brief time before I moved to team cabinet domination with Chris. After a couple of weeks of going back and forth with budget constraints we have made a couple of prototypes using the CNC mill.

We first tried to use MDF to construct the cabinets, that turned out to be not such a good idea, as our main man Steve all but insulted us. This became a prime example of architecture school meets real world. We have since decided to use a Columbia Forest Product, White Birch Plywood.

This just meant it was time to get started on the fabrication of our prototype. This was quite the task trying to learn the new CNC mill and learning Rhino. After much help from Professor Spaw, we now know how to use the mill enough to do what we need to construct these cabinets.

Here is a compilation video of the CNC mill cutting several different materials.

To give the cabinets a more streamline look, we chose Blum hardware in order to have all the hardware concealed; hinges, pulls, runners, etc. This hardware allowed us to achieve the finished product that was desired to complement the interior of "public space" within the house. Below are a few images of our finished product. With a few minor changes this will be what our final product looks like + polished white doors.

Photos coming soon...

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