Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Oh Happy Day!

Since we have all experienced the priming task, I know my fellow Norris House comrades (and the rest of the art and architecture building for that matter) will rejoice with me in this joyous occasion. Tomorrow begins the process we have been waiting for all semester: the siding gets nailed to the furring strips and completes what we started oh so many months ago! Day after day, we have labored over saw horses and atlantic white cedar 1 by 4, 6, or 8 inch boards, inhaling fumes and getting slightly dizzy in the process. Students and teachers have gotten used to the lingering smell entering our beloved Art and Architecture building through the west doors, kind of snickering as they walk by. The construction workers next door joke with us about being painting experts. And my favorite occurrence, which has happened not once, but multiple times: I enter a room and a friend not seeing me and in all seriousness says, "What's that smell?"

Needless to say, while I actually find the priming process rather calming, I am very excited we will place that first light gray board up on the house, giving it character and making this semester come full circle.

So I bid adieu.

Farewell, my dear Cabot's Bleaching Oil! Know that you have a special place in my heart for all the laughter you have given me. I am sure we will meet again because of your life elongating qualities for wood and lovely colors.

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